Product Summary
The K2638 is a N-channel MOS-FET. The applications of the device include Switching Regulators, UPS, DC-DC converters and General Purpose Power Amplifier.
K2638 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Drain-Source-Voltage,VDS: 450V; (2)Continous Drain Current,ID: 10A; (3)Pulsed Drain Current,ID(puls): 40A; (4)Gate-Source-Voltage,VGS: ±30V; (5)Repetitive or Non-Repetitive(Tch ≤ 150℃), IAR: 10A; (6)Avalanche Energy, EAS: 86,2mJ; (7)Max. Power Dissipation,PD: 50W; (8)Operating and Storage Temperature Range, Tch: 150℃; Tstg: -55 to +150℃.
K2638 features: (1)High Speed Switching; (2)Low On-Resistance; (3)No Secondary Breakdown; (4)Low Driving Power; (5)High Voltage; (6)VGS = ± 30V Guarantee; (7)Repetitive Avalanche Rated.